Behind the bombs, stands Trump
Behind the bombs, stands Trump. No matter how much he denies responsibility, the rhetoric of President Trump and his supporters carries the blame for the coordinated mailing of pipe bombs to Democratic political officials and other public figures. | Charlie Neibergall / AP

The nation is facing a crisis. Pipe bombs continue to fill the mailboxes of a growing number of prominent people who have in common their criticism of President Trump and his policies. The crisis, which is causing worry all over the country, is the direct result of the campaign of fear and lies being waged by the President of the United States himself.

President Trump’s reaction via tweet this morning only added fuel to the fire he has started. The president said that anger in the country is the fault of the “fake news” and what he called “lies” spread by the major media.

The evidence that the tweet itself was just another one of his big lies is simply the list of people to whom the bombs have been sent. Every single one of the intended recipients of these deadly pipe bombs is an individual against whom Trump has spewed vicious invective in the last few weeks. They include former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton, Rep. Maxine Waters, former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama, former Vice President Joe Biden, former Attorney General Eric Holder, the actor Robert DeNiro, and investor George Soros.

A bomb addressed to former CIA director John Brennan was sent to the headquarters of CNN, a media outlet that has been critical of the president. As of this writing, we do not know how many more names will be added to the target list before this terrorist attack is ended.

We do not know how many more postal workers and law enforcement people will have their lives endangered as they find and defuse these bombs.

Unfortunately, as of this writing, we do know, however, that President Trump has no intention of accepting responsibility and, if anything, intends to make matters worse.

He seems to be hellbent on a strategy of creating as much fear and division as possible in the country as the means of ensuring victory for his Republican Party in the midterm elections on November 6. The idea is that a fearful and confused people will look to his supposedly strong leadership to lead them out of the turmoil that he and his GOP minions are actually creating.

In addition to the race hatred and lies he spreads on a regular basis, this week he encouraged direct violence against the media. At a rally in Montana, he praised a congressman who had plead guilty to a felonious physical assault on a reporter. To the delight of his ardent supporters, Trump imitated on the stage how the reporter had been body slammed onto the ground. His ability to bring out the worst in human nature was once again on full display as the crowd cheered his antics.

His latest tweet blaming the media for the anger in the country—and doing this only a day after the pipe bomb scare terror—is simply appalling. He threatened this morning, on the heels of the attack on CNN, that the mass media “had better get its act to together and fast.”

Media organizations across the country are condemning the president for this.

People’s World declares here that we join with all of them in this condemnation. We declare here that the blame for these acts of terrorism and for the growing fear in the country rests with President Trump himself.

People’s World pledges to you, our readers, that acts of right-wing terror, including and especially those stoked by the president himself, will not deter us from reporting the truth about him and his policies.

We continue our call for a massive turnout of voters on November 6 to remove from office all the Republican enablers of Trump and everything he stands for.

We pledge to continue our fight for the unity of the great big beautiful multi-racial and multinational working class that constitutes the overwhelming majority of Americans. And in these difficult days, let us all remind ourselves that the people, united, can never be defeated.


People’s World Editorial Board
People’s World Editorial Board

People’s World Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief John Wojcik, Managing Editor C.J. Atkins, Social Media Editor Chauncey K. Robinson, Senior Editor Roberta Wood, Senior Editor Joe Sims, Copy Editor Eric A. Gordon, Washington D.C. Bureau Chief Mark Gruenberg