CHEERS to AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka’s speech on October 2 which clarified the relationship between media hate-mongerers and the people who sign their paychecks, “Behind the voices of hate and fear is the voice of greed!” (From C-Span TV)

CHEERS to the protesters, especially those from the National Organization for Women, who targeted Alan Simpson at the meeting of the so-called “Fiscal Responsibility Commission.” The former Republican senator recently described Social Security as “a milk cow with 310 million tits.” (From Alliance for Retired Americans)

CHEERS to Delta Airlines employees trying to get a union at last. (From AFL-CIO)

JEERS to Republican “outside” groups, particularly those from pharmaceutical companies, who announced that they intend to spend $25.8 million in independent expenditures on this year’s U.S. House races and $24.2 million on Senate races. (From Alliance for Retired Americans)

CHEERS to United Auto Workers President Bob King for explaining the importance of the October 2 march: “Every great achievement for social justice has been the result of the mobilization of people to achieve a just purpose.” (From UAW Wire)

JEERS to news that income disparity in America, the worst since 1929, is continuing to get even worse! (From Alliance for Retired Americans)

CHEERS because Senate Democrats stopped Republicans from overturning President Obama’s rule making it easier to organize unions under the Railway Labor Act. (From AFL-CIO)



