Some 1.5 million disappear in Germany

BERLIN – There is almost too much to write about from Berlin! To start off, there’s the uncanny disappearance of 1.5 million residents of Germany, missing since the last census over 20 years ago. Instead of 81.7 million people, there are only 80.2 million (of whom 6.2 million, or 7.7 percent, were not German citizens).

You may ask, “who cares?” One answer: hard-hit Berlin, where 400,000 are unaccounted for, and which will now lose millions of euros in subsidies from the European Union and richer German states.

Adding to the funding problems is the high cost of those deadly killing machines, the drones, which President Obama is trying so hard to justify. Germany’s Thomas de Maiziere is in a worse bind: his Defense Department wasted $650,000,000 dollars on Northrop Grumman’s Global Hawk drone, renaming it the Euro Hawk.

It may soon be called the Euro Vulture, since his project is a cadaver: his drones, lacking an anti-collision system, are officially banned in Europe, and unless Herr Minister can do some skillful maneuvering, Merkel may have to drop him from her cabinet – just a few months before the big election. Of course, Northrup Grumman will continue taking in money in the amount of double-digit billions and Germany will remain the world’s third biggest weapons exporter.

There seems to be no end to the continued proposals for whole new areas into which drone technology can be deployed. The use of smaller, unarmed, low-flying drones has also been suggested here in Germany for the war against scofflaw graffiti artists.

Another item may be of interest to both amateur and professional historians. Germany’s Social Democratic Party, on the eve of its festive sesquicentennial celebration in Leipzig (150 years), announced a new international “Progressive Alliance” to compete (and perhaps replace) the Socialist International, which was constituted in 1951, largely to “fight the menace of Communism.” It once made headlines with leaders like Willy Brandt and Olaf Palme, but also with Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and similar “socialist” members. Although the fifty parties forming the new organization are not officially quitting, the old Socialist International will hardly make many headlines in future.

Founded in Leipzig’s historic City Bathhouse, its political temperature could remain lukewarm; it will include the British Labour Party and – just imagine – the fiery Democratic Party of the USA, with Howard Dean a main speaker and Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin in the new leadership. As yet I have heard neither sobs at the collapse of the one nor hurrahs at the birth of the other. But who can tell?

The dominant news in Germany is about the terrible floods filling many urban areas with filthy water and leaving sticky sludge, mud, destruction, and a loss of many millions of euros by those whose homes line the Danube, Elbe, and their other flooded tributaries in the south and east. Many, with no insurance, are ruined by these worst floods in a century, in four centuries in some cases.

The debates continue; is the main culprit human-caused climate change, or over-farming and construction in riverside areas, which once harmlessly drew excess water out of the raging rivers? Or both?

But I must finally turn to my main subject, though it was largely submerged in the press by the floods.

The dozen or so towers and skyscrapers of Frankfurt on the Main are too tall to worry about inundations of a watery kind; owned by banks, they hope for fluidity of a financial nature. Both the locals, like the Deutsche Bank, or foreigners like JP Morgan and Bank of America, are mostly well protected in that connection. But on Saturday, the European Central Bank, one of the very biggest, forty stories high, suddenly feared a siege!

But although this attack was certainly angry enough, it was completely non-violent. It was the newest action of the Blockupy Movement, a European offspring of Occupy Wall Street, and it was protesting the entire austerity policy of the so-called Troika, the new dictators of Europe, forcing millions in Greece, Spain, Cyprus, and Portugal to endure brutal poverty measures, an economic flood which hurts people in all countries while the euros pile up in those big towers. The troika consists of the Commission of the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, and last but not least, Frankfurt’s European Central Bank, which was forced to face its foes.

On June 1, up to 20,000 people, many from other countries, marched through the banking district – sort of like Wall Street. They even had court permission to march a definite route – and they kept to the agreement. The police, unfortunately, did not.

The march started at noon but had hardly gone 300 yards in the first twenty minutes when the police stopped it, separating and surrounding the first group of 1000 people, whom they decided was a “black block”, although a large number were wearing t-shirts and apparel of all different colors.

“Halt,” the police said, “You are violating the law by wearing masks!” What did the “masks” consist of? Sunglasses and umbrellas! They agreed to give them up, but the police insisted on frisking and registering every one of them. Then the police demanded that the rest of the marchers leave the first group and take a different route. But they refused, and the bargaining dragged on for two hours, with those in the first group still surrounded, unable to leave.

Suddenly, the police moved in, heavily armed, under the pretense of an alleged fireworks explosion. They had pepper gas by the gallon, which they used as often as possible. One participant remarked, “They made no distinction, beating young and old alike. I saw a kick with a military boot aimed at me, and could not escape it. It hit me hard on my right thigh through my clothing. I was beaten on my nose and chest.

“The women with me were torn from my side. I had to push my way out of the gas clouds and the orgy of violence to the side of the street. We could not get past the edge of the street, because the demonstration had been cut off so no one could get through. For thousands, it was impossible to get to the transportable toilets or get food or water.”

Another attack followed, he recounted, with police making another attack on those seeking in vain to escape. He said one cop threatened to “pound his head to a pulp.”

The beatings lasted from 2 until 8 p.m.; not even the intervention of two Bundestag deputies of the Left Party or the credentials of journalists impressed the cops. It was late in the evening before the last demonstrators were permitted to leave – after having their identities registered.

Despite over a hundred casualties, however, the Blockupy people refused to be provoked, or to abandon the first group, which was hit the hardest. Thus, the obvious aim of the police to make it easy for the media to pin the whole event on a radical, violent “black block” of wild anarchists just didn’t work this time. There were no provocations at all; perhaps even the usual police provocateurs found it impossible to do the job expected of them.

This Blockupy protest was supported by forty organizations, most actively the anti-banker group Attaq, the Ver-di union, second largest and most militant federation in Germany (city and state employees, hospital, postal, and garbage units, also cultural professional groups like music teachers and writers), and the LINKE (Left) Party. At least two of its Bundestag deputies, including the co-chairperson of the party, Katja Kipping, were in the middle of the event.

In the days that followed, a Frankfurt leader of the right-wing CDU attacked the Greens and the Social Democrats: “Are they part of the black block of the enemies of democracy or with us on the side of a just state?” He even accused the Greens of returning to their old stone-throwing beginnings of the 1970’s. But this was just election year play-acting since banners or flags of the SPD or Greens were visible on Saturday. And while later in the week both SPD and Greens loudly demanded an investigation of events, the situation is especially complicated for the Greens since they are partners with the CDU in Frankfurt’s city government.

And while criticizing the police brutality, the Green leaders quickly added that what happened need not endanger their coalition.

A dramatic aspect of the Blockupy event was that, at almost the same time, police with similar weapons were violently attacking protesters in Istanbul, Ankara, and many other cities in Turkey. The past year has seen militant actions in Greece, in Portugal, in Spain and Cyprus. Germans, though also hit by the economic crisis, have been far better off than those in the southern countries, and have been less active and less militant. Those in power in Germany, in office like Angela Merkel, or in those skyscrapers like the heads of the big banks, would like to keep it that way – and frighten off any protests like those in Frankfurt. They have shown that they can get as tough as the cops in Istanbul.

Photo: A crowd in Reichstag, Berlin. Lower census figures mean less public funds for Berlin. Flickr (CC)


Victor Grossman
Victor Grossman

Victor Grossman is a journalist from the U.S. now living in Berlin. He fled his U.S. Army post in the 1950s in danger of reprisals for his left-wing activities at Harvard and in Buffalo, New York. He landed in the former German Democratic Republic (Socialist East Germany), studied journalism, founded a Paul Robeson Archive, and became a freelance journalist and author. His latest book,  A Socialist Defector: From Harvard to Karl-Marx-Allee, is about his life in the German Democratic Republic from 1949 – 1990, the tremendous improvements for the people under socialism, the reasons for the fall of socialism, and the importance of today's struggles.

