Sept. 1 is Labor Day, a holiday that is too seldom a real celebration of workers and their contributions to society. We’ve chosen Labor Day to be the kick-off of the annual Fund Drive as a way to honor the kind of people whose struggles the PWW/Mundo covers in every issue. This year’s fund drive, an essential requirement for maintaining and expanding our work, has a goal of raising $200,000 by Dec. 15 – a fraction of what it costs to produce the every year.

We are often exhorted to “invest wisely.” But the best investment isn’t in the stock market, or the bond market, or the commodity futures market – the best investment is in a paper that speaks truth to power, that takes the side of us regular folks, that prints the news media conglomerates see fit to ignore.

The best use for some of your hard earned dollars is to guarantee the expansion of the .

We need your contributions so we can help make change. Other newspapers report news; our paper helps people make news. Other papers try to hide their support for the right wing and super-rich; our paper is proudly partisan, taking the side of workers, poor people, and all who want peace, justice, equality, and socialism.

In too many newspapers, you read White House and Pentagon press releases, reported as if they were news. Why bother with editorials that do little more than promote the corporate agenda?

Instead, why not support and, if you haven’t already, subscribe to what many have called the best labor paper in the country? Read the most incisive editorials, written with passion and working class partisanship, and get inspired by stories of picketlines, demonstrations, and struggles.

Help the to expand our coverage and distribution – donate today!

Send checks or money orders made out to Long View Publishing to 235 West 23rd St., New York, NY 10011 with your name and address or use the coupon below.

