FORT WORTH – On the weekend before Easter, Texans celebrated the memory of union organizer César Chávez all over the state. Here, a coalition of labor and community organizations put on a mile-long parade through downtown, then ended with a grand fiesta on the courthouse lawn.

Union people with the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) were part of the initiating group. LCLAA volunteers obtained donations from a local grocery store and provided free hot dogs and tortilla chips. One of the floats in the parade represented the A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI), which is another labor-related organization. Unionists from the Painters’ union had the biggest contingent with three floats and a walking group. Civil rights activists from three Autoworkers’ locals also participated.

The rally had senoritas on horseback, traditional folk dancing, a brass band and mariachi music. A stream of local political leaders talked about César Chávez and how his life can guide us today. Fort Worth is the County Seat of Tarrant County, where public employees traded their Columbus Day holiday for César Chávez Day two years ago. All Texas state workers may choose César Chávez day as one of their optional annual holidays.

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