Amnesty International: World pretends it’s a humanitarian issue rather than Israeli crimes
Randa Baker (right) and her family, who were displaced by the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, break their fast on the first day of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan at a makeshift tent camp in the Muwasi area, southern Gaza, March 11, 2024 | AP

The world is pretending that the crisis in Gaza is humanitarian rather than caused by Israel, a top rights group said today.

Agnes Callamard, the secretary general of Amnesty International said in a post on the X social media site: “While the international community is busy pretending that Gaza is a humanitarian crisis, Israel continues to violate international law with total impunity.”

This comes after Israel attacked one of the last remaining United Nations food centers in Gaza on Wednesday which killed four Palestinians and wounded another 22.

Callamard said: “Humanitarian assistance airdrops and a Gaza aid port won’t address these violations. And they won’t address engineered starvation.”

UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said that the Israeli strike on the food center is “another symbol of the fact there is less and less respect for humanitarian work” and the protection that the flag of the UN should bring.

Israel has claimed the air strike killed a Hamas commander, Mohammad Abu Hasna.

The Israelis said that Hasna provided intelligence to Hamas on Israeli troops’ positions and was “involved in taking control of humanitarian aid and distributing it to Hamas.”

Israeli forces also reportedly killed at least six people and wounded 83 others in their latest attack on Palestinians waiting for humanitarian aid at the Kuwait Roundabout in Gaza City.

Israeli forces have targeted the roundabout in recent weeks where people gather in large groups to wait for aid trucks.

On Monday night, Israeli forces killed 11 people waiting for food aid at the roundabout.

The killing spree by Israel began after the surprise Hamas October 7 attack during which some 1,200 were killed and about 250 taken hostage.

According to the Gaza Health Ministry, the number of Palestinians killed by the Israelis now stands at 31,341. About two-thirds of the dead are women and children.

International pressure for a ceasefire is being stepped up with the wave of demonstrations of support for the Palestinians showing no signs of slowing.

In the United States, protesters disrupted a New York Times distribution center on Wednesday night in opposition to the newspaper’s coverage of the war in Gaza.

App-based worker unions representing more than 100,000 Uber drivers and other app-based drivers across 20 countries announced on Wednesday they are boycotting Chevron-branded gas stations, including Texaco and Caltex, because of the company’s links to Israel.

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Roger McKenzie
Roger McKenzie

Roger McKenzie is the International Editor of Morning Star, Britain’s daily socialist newspaper. He is the author of the book "African Uhuru: The Fight for African Freedom in the Rise of the Global South" published by Manifesto Press.

