Alleged ‘journalists’ in corporate media should hang their heads in shame
The corporate media has failed to discuss the real tests the candidates, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will be taking tonight. The working-class majority in this country is demanding action on issues not grappled with in the most recent New York Times/Sienna poll. | AP

The headline in Tuesday’s print issue of the New York Times says “rivals”—as if this were a horserace rather than a crucial election—face “different tests in crucible of TV debates.” Nowhere in the article, however, does the “paper of record” mention any of the tests that really count.

They claim in their latest Times-Sienna poll that 25% of voters feel Harris represents a change from Biden while 53% allegedly claim Trump represents a change from Biden. A change from what to what? That part of the question is completely left out.

  • A majority of millions are sick and tired of war and want a peaceful nation and world in which to raise their children. Never mentioned by the New York Times.
  • A majority of millions, unlike Trump, blame corporate price gouging for the high prices they face every day as they try to feed their families, put gas in their cars, or take care of their health.
  • A majority of millions not only support the Affordable Care Act but want it to be extended and strengthened. They are happy about the caps that have been put on the costs of ten medicines but want those caps put on all medicines and, in fact, unlike Trump, support Medicare for All.
  • A majority of millions support Social Security and want it strengthened, not put out of existence and privatized as Trump’s Project 2025 demands.
  • A majority of millions support the right to organize a union, unlike Trump, who brags about his union-busting.
  • A majority of millions oppose putting millions in concentration camps and want to see a path to citizenship for immigrants.
  • A majority of millions support women regaining the constitutional right to an abortion taken from them by Trump when he stacked the Supreme Court with right-wingers.
  • A majority of millions want the disgracefully low minimum wage raised to a living wage, and they want living wages paid across the board to all workers.
  • A majority of millions don’t think it is ok to have to work two, three, or four jobs to support a family.
  • A majority of millions of young people want the chance to earn a decent living, find an affordable apartment, or eventually buy a home.

We could go on. The point is that these are the changes people in this country want—real, substantive changes rather than just the generic “change from the Biden years,” as claimed by the Times. And none of these changes listed here are given any mention by the New York Times. The paper’s commentary amounts to incredibly poor journalism because the authors ignore completely the “tests” that the people, who are in motion on all these issues, will have Tuesday night for the candidates.

The Times mentions only one difference they say Harris has with Trump—a corporate tax policy they say is friendlier to business than the Biden policy. The paper suggests that Harris could mention that tonight to show her “independence.” Mentioning that would be perhaps the biggest mistake Harris could make. It is not likely she will make that it. Her test tonight will be where she comes down on all the issues we have mentioned above, including the issue of peace. That, and exposing Trump as the criminal and liar he is, will be the test she must take and pass tonight. If she lines up tonight and goes forward with the people, she will be the next president of the United States.

As with all op-eds published by People’s World, this article reflects the views of its author.

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John Wojcik
John Wojcik

John Wojcik is Editor-in-Chief of People's World. He joined the staff as Labor Editor in May 2007 after working as a union meat cutter in northern New Jersey. There, he served as a shop steward and a member of a UFCW contract negotiating committee. In the 1970s and '80s, he was a political action reporter for the Daily World, this newspaper's predecessor, and was active in electoral politics in Brooklyn, New York.

