Marriage equality achieves the force of law in Thailand
Participants hold a rainbow flag during the Pride Parade in Bangkok, Thailand, June 1, 2024. | AP

Thailand’s landmark marriage equality Act became law on Tuesday, allowing same-sex couples to wed legally.

The law will come into force in 120 days, meaning that LGBT+ couples will be able to register their marriage in January next year. This will make Thailand the third place in Asia, after Taiwan and Nepal, to allow same-sex marriage.

The legislation, which grants full legal, financial, and medical rights to marriage partners of any gender, sailed through both the House of Representatives and the Senate in April and June respectively.

“Congratulations to everyone’s love,” Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra wrote on the X social media platform, adding the hashtag #LoveWins.

Much of Thai society holds conservative values and members of the LGBT+ community say they face discrimination in everyday life.

The legislation amended the country’s Civil and Commercial Code, however, to replace words such as “men and women” with gender-neutral terms such as “individual.”

The organizers of Bangkok Pride announced plans on Facebook to organize a wedding of couples who wish to register their marriage on the day the law takes effect.

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Morning Star

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