Oct. 6 virtual discussion will tackle myths and lies scapegoating immigrants
National Network for Immigration & Refugee Rights

As the Trump-Vance campaign intensifies its dangerous use of anti-immigrant racism and threats of violent mass deportations, immigrant and refugee communities and their allies are coming together in solidarity and organizing to expose these lies and get out the vote.

In response to the campaign of hate and racism by the extreme right, including the Republican Party, a virtual panel discussion will be hosted on Sunday, October 6 at 7:00 pm by the Immigrant Rights Subcommittee of the Political Action Commission of the Communist Party USA. Panelists will discuss the scapegoating of immigrants during the current political campaign destroying the myths and lies spread about immigrants.


This webinar will have Spanish/English interpretation available.

The panel will review the recently updated pamphlet, “Immigration: Myths vs. Facts,” which is available in English and in Spanish.

Panelists include:

  • Alvaro Rodriguez, first generation immigrant, discusses the Root Causes of Immigration and the impacts of Imperialism on Migration.
  • Daniel Delgado, a graduate student worker at the University of Southern California will address the questions: Who is bringing in the drugs?  What about immigrants and crime?
  • Deb Wilmer, an immigration attorney will share existing avenues to legal status in the U.S. and misconceptions

An opportunity for questions and answers will follow the presentations focusing on dispelling the myths and lies about immigrants during this election campaign and the importance of voting in this election.

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