CPUSA: ‘Stop arming the fascist Netanyahu regime’

The statement below was issued by the International Department of the Communist Party USA on Oct. 4, 2024, ahead of the one-year anniversary of Israel’s war against Gaza. People’s World republishes it here as an opinion feature.

Over the last year, the fascist and opportunistic Israeli government, led by the criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, has rained horror upon the Middle East, threatening to destabilize the entire region.

The Netanyahu regime claims that Israel is at war to protect its people, and he has used that excuse to expand the war to Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, and Iran. The United States government has continued to fund Israel’s war crimes under the pretense of protecting “the United States’ only democratic ally in the Middle East.”

The actual reasons for Israel and the United States continuing down this blood-soaked path are quite different.

Netanyahu, ever the opportunist, is using the war to avoid being prosecuted for his various financial crimes. Also, as long as Israel is at war, his cabinet avoids being investigated for allowing the Hamas attacks of Oct. 7, 2023, to occur on their watch. At the same time, the messianic fascists in Netanyahu’s cabinet, Ben-Gvir and Smotrich, are using the war to fund their apocalyptic crusade that fantasizes about conquering even more land and killing as many Palestinians as possible.

The United States continues to fund Israel’s actions because Israel represents “the U.S.’ unsinkable carrier” in the Middle East and serves as the forward base of U.S. imperialism in the oil-rich region. Israel is a tool of the U.S. ruling class, and most elected officials in Washington have bowed to the demands of its financial-military-industrial complex, which serves the interests of the transnational corporations on Wall Street.

These actions have brought the world to the brink of all-out war across the Middle East, which threatens to spill over into a global conflict.

The Communist Party USA’s International Department unequivocally condemns the Israeli war machine and its genocide against the Palestinian people. We condemn the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and the mass slaughter Israel has brought to the people of Lebanon. We condemn their attacks on Syria and Yemen.

We demand that the United States immediately cease all military funding to Israel and for all freedom-loving and progressive people around the world to join together to help bring this bloodshed to an immediate end.

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Communist Party USA
Communist Party USA

Founded in 1919, the Communist Party USA has championed the struggles for democracy, labor rights, women’s equality, racial justice, and peace for over a century. The Communist Party has an unparalleled history in the progressive movement of the United States, from the struggle against Jim Crow segregation to the organizing of the industrial unions, from the canneries of California to the sweatshops of New York City.

