There will be a 40th anniversary reunion of the people who participated in and led the historic farm worker’s strike in Starr County, Texas, in 1966-67 and those who helped organize and mobilize to aid the struggle on Dec. 11 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Express in Rio Grande City, Texas. A press conference will be held there at 12:30 p.m.

For many this will be the first time they have been together since the 1960s. We are joining together to honor their struggle for the most basic human rights and the impact it has had in Texas and the U.S.

On June 1, 1966 over 400 farm workers voted to strike the melon and vegetable growers in Starr County, Texas. Inspired by the Grape Strike that began in California’s Central Valley in the fall of 1965, and earning wages averaging 70 cents an hour, farm workers wanted a living wage and decent working conditions. When they petitioned the growers they were refused. The workers walked out of the fields. “La Huelga” was underway!

The growers responded by recruiting workers from outside of the area, including from Mexico which was just across the river. The strike continued for over a year and resulted in a few union contracts signed with the few Latino growers before Hurricane Beulah devastated the area. However, the strike and related actions inspired several generations of activists and political leaders and energized the Latino movement for civil rights, economic, political and social justice.

For more information: Bill Chandler (601) 594-3564; Alejandro Moreno (956) 624-1027

Sponsored by the Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance and the Southern Human Rights Organizers Network.


