The People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo fund drive has been progressing at a pretty good pace. But now we have to step it up. As of Oct. 15, we are at $76,723, about 38 percent. We want to reach $100,000 by Nov. 1. Can you help us? Please make a donation today for the fund drive.
To donate online today click or phone (646) 437-5363.
This is our annual collective appeal for readers to help us keep going strong. We’ve been there — bringing you stories and voices of those in struggle for economic and social justice from Jena, La., to Detroit; from Oakland, Calif., to Portland, Maine.
I hope you can be there for the PWW like the PWW has been there for you.
For a generous gift of $500 we will send you the fabulous Smithsonian-produced CD of Paul Robeson’s independent recordings.
Thank you.
In struggle,
Teresa Albano Editor