DALLAS – The North Texas Coalition for a Just Peace is targeting August 11 for workshops on the theme: “Are we safe yet?” The four expected topics are: nuclear threats, international relations, domestic civil liberties and the environment. The event will be held at Grace Church in East Dallas.
Participants will ask if eleven months of the Bush administration’s “unending war” have made Americans safer. Have the sacrifices of our economic security, respect from the world community, and personal freedoms had the result that was promised? Will the desired safety be forthcoming? Is it the administration’s intent to bring about more safety for Americans? Is it their intent to make Americans feel more safe, or would they prefer a perpetual state of panic that would lead Americans to make further concessions of their security and well-being?
At planning sessions of the North Texas Coalition for a Just Peace, activists anticipate that the anniversary of September 11 will be used by the Bush administration and its accomplices in the commercial media to increase war hysteria in our nation. Consequently, it is a good idea to begin asking serious questions during the month before.
On August 6, the Dallas Peace Center will commemorate the dropping of nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. “Terrorism: Theirs and Ours” is the title of the event to be held at the Magnolia Theater at 6:30 p.m.
The author can be reached at pww@pww.org