New People’s World launching soon – can you help out?

For over 90 years, People’s World and its predecessor publications have provided news and analysis of the labor and democratic movements to our readers across America and around the world. Since the first issue of the Daily Worker rolled off the press in January 1924, we have been a leading voice for progressive change and socialism in our country. We bring you insights into local, national, and international struggles from an angle you won’t find in the corporate press.

That proud tradition continues this fall with the launch of a brand new

In the coming weeks, we will bring our readers a new People’s World experience with a modernized website that features a sleek design and more engaging content. When the new People’s World debuts, you’ll find the coverage you’ve come to count on us for, as well as a ton of new features. But we’re going to need your help to make it a reality.

Coverage you can count on

Over the past year, People’s World correspondents have provided you with in-depth and on-the-spot reporting on the defining events and issues of the day.

When world leaders met in Paris for the COP21 climate change summit, People’s World had two reporters on-location. When the scandal of lead-contaminated water broke in Flint, Michigan, our team was there to spotlight community relief efforts and expose the negligence of public officials. In April, People’s World writers traveled to Vietnam and brought you reports on that country’s economic development and the ongoing effects of Agent Orange more than 40 years after the end of the war.

After a gunman attacked the LGBTQ community in Orlando and took 49 lives, People’s World correspondents met with those affected and shared with you their stories of grief and restoration. We’ve brought you analysis of how the injustices being challenged by the Black Lives Matter movement link up to the economics of capitalism and the history of black liberation. On our pages, you’ll find news from the ongoing battle for women’s equality and against sexism.

Breaking developments in the Fight for $15 from every corner of the country and the labor movement’s fight for a fair economy have occupied a central place in our coverage.

From the first presidential primary to the Republican and Democratic National Conventions and beyond, People’s World’s team of political reporters and our newly re-established Washington Bureau have brought you reliable progressive analysis of the 2016 elections. People’s World has been the place for news on the historic campaign of Bernie Sanders, the groundbreaking nomination of the first woman candidate of a major party for the presidency, and the fight to stop Donald Trump and the GOP.

And over just the past few days, our national network of correspondents has brought you the latest from the Dakota Access pipeline resistance and the Chicago Teachers Union’s fight against cutbacks and layoffs.

We’ve had all of that plus expanded coverage in the arts and entertainment file with a stream of film, play, book, and music reviews.

The new

That’s a lot, and we’re proud of what People’s World has accomplished so far. But we want to do even more. With the new set to launch in the coming weeks, we are gearing up to bring you an even better experience.

The new website has a clean design that looks great whether you are on your desktop computer or your mobile device. It will be seamlessly integrated into the social media world, allowing readers to more easily share and discuss articles across their networks – a powerful tool for both informing and organizing.

The site will feature a richer multimedia experience with high-quality video, audio, and photo content. Whether it’s climate refugees from the Marshall Islands or a rally against police violence in Chicago, the new site will enable us to reach more people with these stories.

There will be an improved search function so that the stories from our online archives are easier to find and utilize in your current campaigns and struggles. In the months to come, we will also debut a new long-form magazine section of People’s World featuring even more theoretical and analytical content.

The new will bring activists in the labor and people’s movements the information they need to be more effective.

Help put us over the top – Donate today

It’s all very exciting, but it isn’t cheap.

People’s World relies on the support of its readers to keep this publication going. This new website is a major investment in the future of not only People’s World, but also in the broader movement for social change.

So here’s the ask: Can you make a contribution today and help put us over the top?

Donations from you – our readers – can help get us across the finish line in time to reach a larger audience during the crucial 2016 election campaign. If you are able to become a monthly sustainer, even better! That gives People’s World a stream of reliable income to keep our operations running smoothly.

For almost a century, working class people have dug deep into their pockets to keep the People’s World going. We ask you to join them today with a contribution or a sustainer pledge for the new website.

Our daily readership numbers are steadily climbing, the quality of our content is improving, and our network of volunteer correspondents is growing. With your help, we can keep moving ahead toward our goal of becoming one of the premier outlets for progressive news and analysis.

Won’t you chip in? Just click here.


C.J. Atkins
C.J. Atkins

C.J. Atkins is the managing editor at People's World. He holds a Ph.D. in political science from York University in Toronto and has a research and teaching background in political economy and the politics and ideas of the American left.

