Washington, (Prensa Latina) The US Senate voted 61 to 37 to approve a federal anti-crisis rescue plan Tuesday, proposed by President Barack Obama valued at $838 million.

In the final vote, three moderate Republicans joined the Dems to defeat an attempt of the opposition minority to stop the proposal of the US president.

Now the bill goes to the House of Representatives where delegations of both sides will reconcile a version to be presented to the Executive.

The decision of the Senate was completed an hour after US Treasure Secretary Timothy Geithner underlined the great problems affecting the national financial system and the urgency to fix them.

Senators Susan Collins, Arlen Specter and Olympia Snowe were the only Republican legislators who did not boycott the program designed by Obama.

The US lost almost 600,000 jobs last month and the national unemployment went up to 7.6 percent, the highest in 16 years.

This is another of the many consequences of the recession that started a little more than a year ago.

Obama started a tour to defend his economic plan, in states such as Indiana and Florida, both strongly affected by massive layoffs.

