Top ten films from 2012 progressives should see

You’re going to have to work to see most of these films, usually at film festivals, some online, but they offer much more challenging fare than the typical Hollywood corporate trash. Of course, there are many more than ten, but we should start somewhere.

(in alphabetical order)

ACT OF KILLING – A shocking study of anti-communism in Indonesia. A cinematic masterpiece.

COMRADE KIM GOES FLYING – A charming fantasy from — North Korea! That’s right, they make movies, too.


HOW TO MAKE MONEY SELLING DRUGS – Certainly the most entertaining film about the failed War on Drugs.

MEETING LEILA – A human comedy from Iran based on the simple theme of a man trying to quit smoking in order to marry the woman he loves.

PATIENCE STONE – An Afghan film about the liberation of women. Powerfully moving.

PERVERTS GUIDE TO IDEOLOGY – Slavoj Zizek’s dense but playful anaylsis of ideology through hidden messages in films. Should be seen at least ten times to catch it all.

STORY OF FILM: AN ODYSSEY BY MARK COUSINS – Probably the greatest series on the art of cinema and its importance in history. Amazing clips! (15 hours, so get a bunch of popcorn.)

WE ARE WISCONSIN – The best and most inspiring film about the battle for labor to retain collective bargaining, followed closely behind by AS GOES JANESVILLE.

WHEN I SAW YOU – Annemarie Jacir’s (SALT OF THIS SEA) latest artistic achievement about the tragic Palestinian history.

Photo: IMDB

Editor’s note: Bill Meyer has revied most of these titles for People’s World. Click on the links to bring up reviews.



Bill Meyer
Bill Meyer

Bill Meyer writes movie reviews for People’s World, often from film festivals. He is a keyboardist at Bill Meyer Music and a current member of the Detroit Federation of Musicians. He lives in Hamtramck, Michigan.


