Tony Pecinovsky, president of the St. Louis Workers’ Education Society (WES), has thrown his hat in the political ring, running for alderman of the City’s 14th Ward.
From 2010-2015, Pecinovsky, then a member of the United Media Guild in St. Louis, served as the secretary-treasurer of the Greater St. Louis CWA City Council and as a delegate to the Greater St. Louis Central Labor Council. He has also served as a fund-raising co-chair for St. Louis Jobs with Justice, as a member of the Missouri Progressive Vote Coalition board and on the steering committee of the Missouri Immigrant and Refugee Advocates (MIRA) coalition.
The current Ward 14 Alderwoman Carol Howard voted “No” on the Board of Aldermen’s bill to increase the minimum wage to $12 in 2015, something every union in the city supported.
Pecinovsky canvassed, rallied and mobilized WES members to testify at hearings in support of the measure.
Pecinovsky writes regularly for the People’s World, the St. Louis/Southern Illinois Tribune, Shelterforce, Z-Magazine, Alternet, Political Affairs and other publications and has lectured and made presentations on workers’ rights at numerous universities, colleges and seminars
Contributions to Pecinovsky’s campaign can be made through ActBlue at