Iraqi women are being killed and subjected to all forms of violence every day. What they have suffered in the city of Basra is perhaps something unprecedented in Iraqi society. Women have been killed and their bodies thrown in streets, especially since July 2007. According to Basra police chief Abdul Jalil Khalaf, the bodies of 50 women were found in different areas of the city during recent months. This may not be the real figure, as families of victims are often reluctant or too frightened to report these horrific crimes.
This phenomenon in particular, and violence against women in Iraq in general, has been a cause of great concern for us in the Iraqi Women’s League. We have therefore launched this campaign to mobilize public opinion, exert pressure and intensify efforts to stop these inhuman and barbaric acts. It is also intended to allow the voice of Iraqi women, rejecting all forms of exploitation and abuse of dignity, to be heard by the world.
Your solidarity with Iraqi women will strengthen their resolve and their struggle to change this tragic reality. It will certainly contribute to speeding up the process of uncovering the perpetrators of heinous crimes and violence against women in Iraq, and help to put an end to this barbarism.
We appeal to all the people of free conscience in the world to uphold lofty humanitarian values and support our campaign.
Please circulate the attached appeal issued by the campaign, as widely as possible. It can be signed online at:
You can also help by creating links from your websites.
Let Us Work Together for Justice, Equality and the Right to Life
For more information, please contact:
Tel: 0031703661381