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    151-157 OF 157 RESULTS FOR "Abu Ghraib"

  • Letters

    May 14, 2004

    Bush and Hussein George W. Bush says he was justified to invade Iraq and overthrow the villainous dictator Saddam Hussein. Bush claims he was justified regardless of the fact that no weapons of mass destruction have been found. According to Bush and his warmonger associates the war in Iraq is justified because Saddam murdered and tortured those who opposed him, he denied his people basic rights such as freedom of...

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  • Editorials

    May 14, 2004

    Gruesome days The gruesome video of the beheading of Nick Berg by alleged Islamic terrorists proves that the antiwar movement was accurate in warning that George W. Bush’s war on Iraq would breed more violence, hatred, and revenge. According to his family, Berg had been arrested and held incommunicado for two weeks by Iraqi police and then detained by the U.S. military until his parents filed a lawsuit against Defense...

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  • Torture in Iraq: The buck stops with Bush

    May 14, 2004

    George W. Bush and his minions are toiling to contain worldwide outrage over the torture of hundreds of Iraqi detainees by U.S. occupation soldiers at the infamous Abu Ghraib prison. Slip-sliding to shift blame to a few low ranking soldiers, Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld swear they learned of the repellent photos of U.S. military police torturing naked Iraqi prisoners only when they saw them on television. But this...

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  • Torture was routine, soldiers, Iraqis charge

    May 14, 2004By Susan Webb

    Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia charged nearly two months ago that U.S. intelligence operatives directed torture of Iraqi prisoners.

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  • Bloody fiasco must end

    May 07, 2004By David Eisenhower

    Enough. The colonial pipedreams of G.W. Bush’s gang of neo-conservatives is creating a humanitarian and military catastrophe in Iraq.

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  • Bush must answer for torture of Iraqis

    May 07, 2004

    Editorial Army Major Gen. Antonio Taguba used blunt language: “U.S. Army soldiers have committed egregious acts and grave breaches of international law at Abu Ghraib … sadistic, blatant, and criminal abuses.” These were the conclusions in a 53-page report on the abuse of detainees at the Abu Ghraib and Bucca prisons in Iraq which he delivered to the Pentagon in February. The administration covered up the explosive report for more...

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  • U.S. troops morale plummets in Iraq

    July 11, 2003By Susan Webb

    President Bush shocked many people last week when he responded to the increasing attacks on American troops in Iraq by saying, “My answer is, bring them on.” A day after his comic-book-style comment, 10 U.S. soldiers were wounded in three incidents.

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