Article Listing

  • Three decades later, Agent Orange still ravages Vietnam, GIs

    Three decades later, Agent Orange still ravages Vietnam, GIs

    May 12, 2006

    An unprecedented meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam, March 28-29, proved that wounds from the Vietnam War are still open and bleeding three decades after that conflict supposedly ended. It was the first International Conference of Victims of...

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  • Gulf Coast Update

    Gulf Coast Update

    May 12, 2006

    Rally calls for oversight on workers’ rights Workers, community organizations and members of the Greater New Orleans AFL-CIO marched and rallied at the city’s federal building May 2 to expose the rampant abuses of workers’ rights...

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  • HR 676 offers Rx for Cover the Uninsured week

    HR 676 offers Rx for Cover the Uninsured week

    May 12, 2006

    WASHINGTON (PAI) — A bill establishing a government-run Canadian style single-payer health care system for the U.S., built on Medicare, is gaining union backers, coincidentally as “Cover the Uninsured” week ran from May 1-7. The measure,...

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  • Defense Dept. goes after vets job preference rights

    Defense Dept. goes after vets job preference rights

    May 12, 2006

    HONOLULU (PAI) — Don Bongo is both mad and sad at his military and civilian boss, Donald Rumsfeld. Bongo, you see, wears two hats: In regular life, he is a federal civilian defense worker at Pearl...

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  • Missouri miners demand card check neutrality

    Missouri miners demand card check neutrality

    May 12, 2006

    ST. LOUIS — Demanding that Peabody Energy, the world’s largest coal company, accept a “card check neutrality” process which would allow its workers to unionize with the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), over 100 trade...

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