Article Listing

  • Why we act

    Why we act

    March 10, 2006

    There are few roles in our constitutional government that are more frustrating than being a member of the minority party during a period of one party control of the government. However, at a time when the...

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  • Joe Barton — always Big Oil’s man — from the archives

    Joe Barton — always Big Oil’s man — from the archives

    March 10, 2006

    Did you hear that great groaning sound? It was us, the people of Texas, expressing our opinion about the news that Congressman Joe Barton was fixing to investigate somebody.

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    March 10, 2006

    Asbestos puts Montana children at risk I don’t know if you’ve heard of my town (Libby, Mont.) but we have the highest asbestos levels in the nation thanks to W.R. Grace’s mines. Over half the people...

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  • EDITORIAL: Republican hypocrisy

    EDITORIAL: Republican hypocrisy

    March 10, 2006

    Republican senators bowed to the White House March 7, dropping their opposition to warrantless wiretapping by the National Security Agency in exchange for a fig-leaf concession by President Bush. The deal, concocted by Vice President Dick...

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  • EDITORIAL:  Whos corrupt?

    EDITORIAL: Whos corrupt?

    March 10, 2006

    In February 2003 Bush’s Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao issued an undisguised threat to the elected union leaders representing millions of Americans. At a meeting of the executive council of the AFL-CIO, to which Chao had...

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