Article Listing

  • Turning point at the Black Radical Congress

    Turning point at the Black Radical Congress

    February 24, 2006

    What has always made the Black Radical Congress (BRC) mystique is its perceived ability to mobilize various perspectives of marginalized Black voices around topics plaguing the broader movement. This unique characteristic can even unite disjointed political...

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  • Fighting racism is at the heart of our struggles

    Fighting racism is at the heart of our struggles

    February 24, 2006

    For the past six years, millions of Americans have been battling the Bush administration and its policies of pre-emptive war, economic austerity, usurpation of democratic rights and racism. Yet a sober look at the political landscape...

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    February 24, 2006

    Wrong on Nixzmary Brown As a working-class person who receives public assistance, I was disappointed and offended at Bill Davis’s article “Nixzmary Brown’s tragic death” (PWW 2/11-17). Nobody excuses child abuse or murder. But gone completely...

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  • Katrina and voting rights

    Katrina and voting rights

    February 24, 2006

    New Orleans boosters are throwing Mardi Gras celebrations that end on Fat Tuesday, Feb. 28. But there is plenty the people of the “Big Easy” are not celebrating, starting with the criminal negligence of the Bush-Cheney...

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  • End the death penalty now!

    End the death penalty now!

    February 24, 2006

    Any doubts that even “humane” executions by lethal injection are still cruel and unusual punishment should be dispelled once and for all by the conflict in California over executing Michael Morales. Morales, a convicted murderer and...

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