Article Listing

  • Poster exhibit, cash gift, boost Meyers Collection

    Poster exhibit, cash gift, boost Meyers Collection

    January 27, 2006

    FROSTBURG, Md. — The year 2005 was good for the George A. Meyers Collection at Frostburg State University (FSU) library, boosted by a generous cash gift and capped by a dramatic poster exhibition last October that...

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  • No pension? No health care? No retirement?

    No pension? No health care? No retirement?

    January 27, 2006

    For everybody who isn’t asleep, it’s obvious that American employers intend to destroy all hope of “golden years” retirement. They intend to work us until we die. The latest nail being driven into our collective coffin...

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  • In remembrance: Women who died from illegal and unsafe abortions

    In remembrance: Women who died from illegal and unsafe abortions

    January 27, 2006

    Jan. 23 was the 33rd anniversary of the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision, which “recognized and guaranteed women’s constitutional right to control their own bodies,” as Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women,...

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  • To take back Congress, take a page from Karl Rove

    To take back Congress, take a page from Karl Rove

    January 27, 2006

    It’s all too coincidental. The former vice president of the United States of America draws considerable media coverage when he charges the current president is a threat to the republic and calls for a special, independent...

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  • Defeat anti-immigrant HR 4437

    Defeat anti-immigrant HR 4437

    January 27, 2006

    Last December, the House of Representatives passed anti-immigrant HR 4437, introduced by GOP Rep. James Sensenbrenner (Wis.). • It would make all undocumented workers felons, as well as those who help or work with them including...

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