Article Listing

  • Editorial: No refuge for Bush

    Editorial: No refuge for Bush

    November 18, 2005

    Lame duck presidents, weary of being hammered by critics at home, typically flee to foreign capitals. Their hosts are bound by diplomatic courtesy not to call them “liar” “thief” or “war criminal.” So it was predictable...

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  • Battered by Katrina, Gulf Coast workers stand up

    Battered by Katrina, Gulf Coast workers stand up

    November 18, 2005 By Teresa Albano

    NEW ORLEANS — Gail Andrews, a quiet, unassuming African American woman from New Orleans East, found her mother two weeks after Hurricane Katrina. Six weeks later, she lost her again. This time forever. At age 68,...

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  • Theory of Dumb Design may explain Pat Robertson

    Theory of Dumb Design may explain Pat Robertson

    November 18, 2005

    Televangelist’s brain, mouth elude other theories, experts say Out of the controversial debate pitting the theory of evolution against the theory of intelligent design has emerged a new theory, dumb design, which some experts believe may...

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  • Janitors seeking respect

    Janitors seeking respect

    November 18, 2005 By University of Miami reader

    “Can you live on $6.30 an hour?” read one sign as University of Miami students and faculty joined janitors and local clergy in a demonstration along U.S. Route 1 outside the campus Nov. 10.

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  • This week in labor

    This week in labor

    November 18, 2005

    Kentucky AFL-CIO: ‘De-privatize health care’ The Kentucky AFL-CIO and the Central New Mexico Central Labor Council are the latest labor backers of HR 676, legislation for single-payer national health care. In their recent convention, Bluegrass State...

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