Article Listing

  • Mounting uproar over secret CIA prisons and torture

    Mounting uproar over secret CIA prisons and torture

    November 11, 2005

    News Analysis Shakespeare’s line, “When troubles come, they come not as single spies, but in battalions,” may well apply to the Bush administration. On top of Iraq and New Orleans and the debacle of Harriet Miers,...

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  • Sam Webb to speak on socialism

    Sam Webb to speak on socialism

    November 11, 2005

    NEW YORK — Sam Webb, national chair of the Communist Party USA, will speak at Winston Unity Hall here Nov. 20 on the subject of socialism — the specific U.S. path towards socialism and what it...

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  • Bush faces wrath of Latin America

    Bush faces wrath of Latin America

    November 11, 2005

    George W. Bush had rough sledding in Argentina last week. U.S. officials had planned for free trade to be up and running throughout the Western Hemisphere by the end of this year. But the 4th Summit...

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  • California voters rebel against corporate agenda

    California voters rebel against corporate agenda

    November 11, 2005

    Across the nation, elections signal trend against right-wing politics The Republican pro-corporate agenda took a beating in many states Nov. 8 in what could be a sign of things to come in the 2006 midterm elections....

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  • 53% of Americans Support Impeachment; ImpeachPAC Announced!

    53% of Americans Support Impeachment; ImpeachPAC Announced!

    November 5, 2005

    For Immediate Release: November 4, 2005 New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Support Impeachment; ImpeachPAC is Launched to Support Pro-Impeachment Candidates By a margin of 53% to 42%, Americans want Congress to impeach President Bush if...

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