Article Listing

  • Capitalism gone disgustingly mad

    Capitalism gone disgustingly mad

    October 28, 2005 By Norman Markowitz

    There is a real estate “boom” reported in New Orleans and other devastated areas as desperate people sell shattered houses and the speculators move in, buying up land to make money. Perhaps a future New Orleans...

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  • Voter ID: sharpening race and class disparities

    Voter ID: sharpening race and class disparities

    October 28, 2005

    As thousands celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act on Aug. 6, the media re-aired black and white images of nonviolent Black Americans being tear gassed and clubbed on “Bloody Sunday” while marching for...

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  • A Dallas woman considers the Miers nomination

    A Dallas woman considers the Miers nomination

    October 28, 2005

    Commentary Perhaps no single government appointment has the potential to affect a citizen’s quality of life more than that of a Supreme Court justice. Yet, by nominating his White House counsel, Harriet Miers, a person previously...

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  • Phila. peoples champion, David Cohen, dies at 90

    Phila. peoples champion, David Cohen, dies at 90

    October 28, 2005

    An outpouring of Philadelphians came to pay their last respects to widely beloved City Councilman David Cohen, known as the “people’s champion.” Cohen died Oct. 3 at age 90. Cohen’s contributions stretched from his work as...

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  • Georgie at the bat

    Georgie at the bat

    October 28, 2005

    (The author tips his hat to Ernest Thayer’s “Casey at the Bat.”) The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the White House gang that day; The score stood four to two with just an inning more to play....

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