Article Listing

  • Baseball fans of Chicago unite!

    Baseball fans of Chicago unite!

    October 21, 2005

    CHICAGO — The City of Broad Shoulders threw up its arms to celebrate the White Sox’s pennant victory Oct. 16. After winning the American League championship with their victory over the Los Angeles Angels, the local...

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  • Agreement near on local, state labor unity

    Agreement near on local, state labor unity

    October 21, 2005

    The struggle to preserve labor unity at state and local levels appeared to make some progress last week as the AFL-CIO and Change to Win federation reached an “agreement in principle” on implementing a “Solidarity Charter”...

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  • Calls flood Congress: No cuts in food, Medicaid

    Calls flood Congress: No cuts in food, Medicaid

    October 21, 2005

    Human needs coalition fights GOP budget attack WASHINGTON — Constituents flooded Capitol Hill with angry messages this week protesting a House budget resolution that would slash food stamps, Medicaid and other human needs programs by $50...

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  • U.S. private contractors scheming to oust Chavez?

    U.S. private contractors scheming to oust Chavez?

    October 20, 2005

    News Analysis A report came over the Internet Oct. 15 with an intriguing headline: “Intelligence Report: U.S. ‘private military contractors’ already in country to ‘deal with’ Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez.” It came from Here is...

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  • 15th Ibero-American Summit supports Cuba

    15th Ibero-American Summit supports Cuba

    October 19, 2005

    Nineteen Latin American nations, plus Spain, Portugal and Andorra, sent high-level representatives to Salamanca, Spain, Oct. 14-15. The occasion was the 15th Ibero-American Summit. Cuba figured significantly in the proceedings. Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque, head...

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