Article Listing

  • South, Southwest demonstrate for peace

    South, Southwest demonstrate for peace

    September 30, 2005

    In Phoenix, 2,000 marched on Republican Sen. Jon Kyl’s office. Kyl, a big war supporter, faces the voters in 2006. Over 600 turned out in Tucson, where Ruben Reyes spoke on behalf of Rep. Raul Grijalva....

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  • Soldiers cry: Stop this war

    Soldiers cry: Stop this war

    September 30, 2005

    WASHINGTON — “We’re in the middle of the tunnel and we don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel,” said Maly Rivera, a veteran of the U.S. Army 16th Brigade just back from Iraq...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    September 30, 2005

    WASHINGTON: Yes, you’re being robbed at the pump On Sept. 23 ExxonMobil announced a whopping 32 percent increase in its profits for April, May and June — before Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast. In hard...

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  • Jobs with Justice builds labor-community power

    Jobs with Justice builds labor-community power

    September 30, 2005

    ST. LOUIS — Over 1,000 trade unionists, students, religious and community leaders from around the nation attended the Jobs with Justice (JwJ) annual meeting here Sept. 22-25. Workshops covered the labor-community organization’s many concerns: Living Wage...

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  • Roberts confirmation: We will judge this vote harshly

    Roberts confirmation: We will judge this vote harshly

    September 30, 2005 By Susan Webb

    With the Senate expected to confirm John Roberts as chief justice of the Supreme Court, civil rights and liberties leaders said senators who voted for Roberts were “turning their backs” on women’s, civil and voting rights.

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