Article Listing

  • Abstinence-only? Inadequate sex education threatens student safety

    Abstinence-only? Inadequate sex education threatens student safety

    September 2, 2005

    Abstinence-only education denies students basic information on pregnancy prevention and sexually transmitted diseases. It fails to acknowledge that most will become sexually active as young adults. Abstinence education is an essential part of a comprehensive sex...

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  • Tennessee disabled rights sit-in enters third month

    Tennessee disabled rights sit-in enters third month

    September 2, 2005

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The occupation of Gov. Phil Bredesen’s office here by disabled rights activists has entered its third month. The activists are protesting proposed cuts in TennCare, Tennessee’s state health care program. The occupation began...

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  • Missing! Five million workers are missing, and almost nobody has noticed

    Missing! Five million workers are missing, and almost nobody has noticed

    September 2, 2005 By Art Perlo

    When the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that July’s unemployment rate was only 5 percent, President Bush interrupted his five-week vacation to take credit for a strong economy. But a report released earlier this summer...

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  • Labor Update

    Labor Update

    September 2, 2005

    Service workers of the world unite! CHICAGO — Fifteen hundred unionists from 140 countries gathered here Aug. 22-25 to advance plans to increase workers’ power through global solidarity. The second world congress of UNI, Union Network...

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  • World Notes

    World Notes

    September 2, 2005

    France: African immigrants die in fires In the second fire in four months to sweep through temporary housing facilities for immigrants, 14 children and three adults died Aug. 26 when fire gutted their building in southeastern...

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