Article Listing

  • Speech given at the official function commemorating the 52nd anniversary of the assault on the Monc

    Speech given at the official function commemorating the 52nd anniversary of the assault on the Monc

    July 29, 2005

    Dear people of Havana who, by your selfless, tenacious efforts and in hard-fought competition with the inhabitants of Villa Clara, Matanzas, Cienfuegos, Camagüey and Granma, won the right to hold this official function here in the...

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  • Changing the face of the labor movement

    Changing the face of the labor movement

    July 29, 2005

    CHICAGO — The package of proposals adopted at the AFL-CIO Convention this week are the result of a remarkable process initiated last year by the federation’s constituency groups. The groups are: the Coalition of Black Trade...

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  • Maria Montelibre, presente!

    Maria Montelibre, presente!

    July 29, 2005

    Maria Edith Freiberg, known to many in the Cuba solidarity movement as Maria Montelibre, lost her brief battle with cancer July 22 in Santa Cruz, Calif. She was 62. A staunch fighter for peace, socialism and...

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  • Yes! Its for us!

    Yes! Its for us!

    July 29, 2005

    Yes Directed by Sally Potter 100 min., Rated R, June 2005 Sally Potter wrote and directed a new film, “Yes.” The few moviegoers who had seen her earlier film, “Orlando,” about a woman/man who lives for...

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  • Mission against Terror

    Mission against Terror

    July 29, 2005

    Miami Herald columnist Jim DeFede recently pointed out the all too blatant hypocrisy that swirls around the Bush administration’s “war on terror” and how it is conveniently forgotten when it comes to Cuba.

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