Article Listing

  • AFL-CIO demands rapid withdrawal from Iraq

    AFL-CIO demands rapid withdrawal from Iraq

    July 29, 2005

    CHICAGO (PAI) - Following a rousing speech by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, delegates to the AFL-CIO Convention here voted on July 26 for a resolution demanding the U.S. “bring the troops home rapidly” from Iraq. The...

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  • Festival diary: I want to learn a lot and have fun doing it

    Festival diary: I want to learn a lot and have fun doing it

    July 29, 2005

    Erika, 19, is about to engage in her first political act. A Chicana student from the Los Angeles area, Erika will be attending the World Festival of Youth and Students in Caracas, Venezuela, Aug. 6-13. This...

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  • Downing St. Memo fuels grassroots anger

    Downing St. Memo fuels grassroots anger

    July 29, 2005

    Overflow meetings urge action on Iraq withdrawal, Bush lies LOS ANGELES — A fiery Out of Iraq Town Hall/Teach In drew a standing-room-only, overflow crowd of 1,000 to Inglewood’s Covenant Worship Center here July 23. The...

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  • Break in labor unity challenges AFL-CIO delegates

    Break in labor unity challenges AFL-CIO delegates

    July 29, 2005

    But convention adopts sweeping leadership diversity plan, call to bring troops home CHICAGO — Six unions withdrew from participation in the national AFLCIO convention held here July 25-28 and hinted at the formation of a second...

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  • Venezuelan NGO takes US money, faces trial

    Venezuelan NGO takes US money, faces trial

    July 28, 2005

    Venezuelan judge Normal Sandoval ruled July 7 that four members of the Venezuelan NGO Sumate would be facing trial on at least two charges. Under Article 132 of Venezuela’s Penal Code they will be charged with...

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