Article Listing

  • Letters


    July 15, 2005

    Bring troops home now As I go knocking door-to-door talking about public education issues, including military recruitment in the schools, I meet a lot of parents that have sons or daughters in Afghanistan or Iraq. They...

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  • Editorial: Allow families to aid Cuba

    Editorial: Allow families to aid Cuba

    July 15, 2005

    In the wake of Hurricane Dennis, which took an enormous toll especially in Cuba and Haiti, New York Congressman Jose Serrano is calling for the emergency temporary suspension of the Bush administration’s draconian restrictions on Cuban...

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  • Editorial: Your stake in the high court

    Editorial: Your stake in the high court

    July 15, 2005

    In the first-ever national telephone conference open to rank-and-file Democratic Party voters across the country July 12, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) pledged that Senate Democrats would use every tool, including the filibuster, to block...

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  • Communists rally (& sing) in Chicago

    Communists rally (& sing) in Chicago

    July 15, 2005

    CHICAGO — The 28th National Convention of the Communist Party USA was regarded as a success in almost every way. Close to 500 delegates and guests came together on the Fourth of July weekend to discuss...

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  • Time to roll up our sleeves for Medicare for All bill

    Time to roll up our sleeves for Medicare for All bill

    July 15, 2005

    It’s time to roll up our sleeves and help mobilize broad support for HR 676, the “Expanded & Improved Medicare for All” bill, introduced by Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) and endorsed by 50 other congresspersons....

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