Article Listing

  • Is it time to put jobs on the agenda?

    Is it time to put jobs on the agenda?

    July 1, 2005

    This year opened with the Bush administration’s campaign to turn over trillions of dollars in the Social Security fund to Wall Street brokers. It also opened with a movement to save Social Security, based on organized...

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  • Letters


    July 1, 2005

    Health care for all I am very interested in reading the PWW pamphlet “Medicare For All.” Recently my employer dropped our health insurance and offered a Health Savings Account policy. Supposedly this is for all, but...

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  • Editorial: Toward a third revolution

    Editorial: Toward a third revolution

    July 1, 2005

    The American Revolution, which July 4 celebrates, freed the American colonies from the yoke of the British king and empire. It established the beginnings of a democratic republic, which enshrined the rights of individuals and the...

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  • Editorial: Stay the course bromides

    Editorial: Stay the course bromides

    July 1, 2005

    Speaking to a captive audience of soldiers at Fort Bragg, N.C., June 28, President George W. Bush resorted once again to his favorite lie to justify the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Five times he explicitly...

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  • Watergate: First in a series of very American coups

    Watergate: First in a series of very American coups

    July 1, 2005 By Tim Wheeler

    WASHINGTON — Suddenly, the Watergate conspiracy is back in the headlines with the revelation that former FBI officer W. Mark Felt is the mysterious “Deep Throat” who fed Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward tips on the...

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