Article Listing

  • Editorial: Verdict is just a beginning

    Editorial: Verdict is just a beginning

    June 24, 2005

    After more than four decades, former KKK member Edgar Ray Killen has been convicted of masterminding the Klan murder of James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, three civil rights workers in 1964 Mississippi. On...

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  • Editorial: An uneasy summer

    Editorial: An uneasy summer

    June 24, 2005

    On the first day of summer, June 21, the Winn-Dixie grocery chain, located primarily in the Southeast, announced that 22,000 workers would end up on the street and over 300 stores will be darkened. Earlier this...

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  • Somos el partido de esperanza We are the party of hope: the Colombian Communist Party

    Somos el partido de esperanza We are the party of hope: the Colombian Communist Party

    June 24, 2005

    BOGOTA, Colombia — The office of the Colombian Communist Party (PCC) is on a pleasant residential street in this nation’s capital. On June 3, it’s a beehive of activity leading up to the party’s 19th Congress....

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  • Cheney offers to transfer detainees to his underground lair

    Cheney offers to transfer detainees to his underground lair

    June 24, 2005

    Veep fires new salvo at Gitmo critics The debate over the future of the detention center at Guantanamo, Cuba, was ramped up another notch today as Vice President Dick Cheney offered to transfer all detainees held...

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  • New wave of support for HR 676

    New wave of support for HR 676

    June 24, 2005

    “America’s trillion-dollar health care system would be far more efficient if all the money spent on administrative costs and insurance profit went directly to health care. There’s only one way to do that effectively: single-payer coverage...

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