Article Listing

  • Editorial: Restoring real safety and security

    Editorial: Restoring real safety and security

    June 10, 2005

    Let’s see if we have this straight. Let’s give unlimited powers of spying, harassment and imprisonment, targeting U.S. residents and citizens of other countries, to U.S. agencies which have committed documented acts of torture, jailed thousands...

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  • Coalition of Black Trade Unionists: Building labor-community unity for progress

    Coalition of Black Trade Unionists: Building labor-community unity for progress

    June 10, 2005

    The People’s Weekly World interviewed William (Bill) Lucy, president of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, at its 34th annual convention in Phoenix, May 29. Martin Frazier, contributing editor, conducted the interview. Lucy is secretary-treasurer of...

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  • Conference asks: Is Wal-Mart good for America?

    Conference asks: Is Wal-Mart good for America?

    June 10, 2005 By Joseph Hancock And Martha Hancock

    LOS ANGELES — The UCLA Labor Center here held a special conference on Wal-Mart, June 4. It was educational. It was emotional. And it was packed. Conference participants asked simply, “Is Wal-Mart Good For America?”

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  • Beware these coalition proposals

    Beware these coalition proposals

    June 10, 2005 By Phil E. Benjamin

    A May 29 New York Times article by Robert Pear, “Health Leaders Seek Consensus Over Uninsured,” reported that “24 ideologically disparate leaders representing the health care industry, corporations and unions, and conservative and liberal groups have...

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  • Texans protest school cuts

    Texans protest school cuts

    June 10, 2005

    DALLAS — Dallas school employees staged a rally here May 23 to protest attacks on public education and tax giveaways to the rich. School board member Ron Price and officers of the American Federation of Teachers...

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