Article Listing

  • Galloway challenges war lies

    Galloway challenges war lies

    May 27, 2005

    On May 17, British MP George Galloway appeared before hearings held by the Senate Permanent Sub-Committee on Investigations on charges of corruption in the Iraq oil-for-food program. After demolishing allegations against him, Galloway lit into subcommittee...

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  • Antiwar Briton takes Senate subcommittee to task

    Antiwar Briton takes Senate subcommittee to task

    May 27, 2005

    LONDON — It’s not often that you hear listeners of BBC London Radio’s John Gaunt phone-in plumping for a socialist. Callers’ positive reaction to British Member of Parliament George Galloway’s barnstorming performance on Capitol Hill last...

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  • Bring the terrorist to justice  vindicate the Cuban Five

    Bring the terrorist to justice vindicate the Cuban Five

    May 27, 2005

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said May 22 that his country would consider breaking diplomatic ties with the U.S. government if Washington refuses to extradite Luis Posada Carriles. Since Posada’s arrest May 17 for illegal entry into...

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  • Africa Day can help prevent repeat of history

    Africa Day can help prevent repeat of history

    May 27, 2005

    News Analysis May 25 is celebrated throughout the African Diaspora as African Liberation Day (ALD) and African countries commemorate it as Africa Day. Founded in 1958 as Africa Freedom Day and changed to ALD in 1963,...

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  • Massillon memorializes murdered strikers

    Massillon memorializes murdered strikers

    May 27, 2005

    MASSILLON, Ohio — A solemn crowd watched as Mayor Francis Cicchinelli Jr. dedicated a plaque on the town square here to the three steelworkers killed during the historic “Little Steel” strike of 1936. The strike kicked...

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