Article Listing

  • Iraq upgraded from quagmire to morass

    Iraq upgraded from quagmire to morass

    May 13, 2005

    Situation disastrous but not catastrophic, defense sec’y says Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld told reporters at the Pentagon today that the conflict in Iraq had improved to the point that it could no longer be considered...

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  • Perfect storm on pensions, health care

    Perfect storm on pensions, health care

    May 13, 2005

    People Before Profits Quickly converging with the debate on Social Security is the worsening state of the U.S. private pension system. Recent research reported by Physicians for a National Health Program, and by Richard Berner, the...

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  • Houston janitors fight for justice

    Houston janitors fight for justice

    May 13, 2005

    HOUSTON — “It is misery,” said Ercilia Sandoval, who has worked as a janitor in Houston for seven years. In a fiery speech to 1,000 participants in the April 30 Justice for Janitors convention here, the...

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  • World Notes

    World Notes

    May 13, 2005

    Congo: Militiamen disarm Nearly 12,000 former combatants have disarmed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), as the number of former fighters joining disarmament programs has almost doubled in the last few weeks, the UN...

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  • Workers of the world hit streets on May Day

    Workers of the world hit streets on May Day

    May 13, 2005

    Millions of workers staged May Day rallies worldwide, from a rally of 5,000 Bangladeshis seeking a minimum wage to the streets of Moscow where workers rallied against sweeping cuts in social programs. Workers, from as diverse...

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