Article Listing

  • Communists make key points on racism

    Communists make key points on racism

    April 29, 2005

    Racism, the Communist Party’s draft program tells us, has some new features and new modes of operation (though more study is needed), but it doesn’t lose sight of four critical insights that we have embraced and...

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  • Letters


    April 29, 2005

    Potential allies Re: “The ‘middle class’ and the working class” (PWW 4/23-29), it is true that there is no class between the bourgeoisie (the capitalist class) and the working class. As Pat Barile’s article correctly says,...

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  • EDITORIAL: May Day lives!

    EDITORIAL: May Day lives!

    April 29, 2005

    For decades, May Day, the international workers’ day, has been a celebration of the struggles and achievements of the working class. It is, in most of the world, the official “Labor Day.” Here in the U.S.,...

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  • EDITORIAL: For peace and liberty

    EDITORIAL: For peace and liberty

    April 29, 2005

    With the tide turning on some issues, it’s time to step up the struggle for peace abroad and civil liberties at home. Two Bush administration priorities gravely threatening these core values are the USA Patriot Act...

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  • May Day: Made in the USA

    May Day: Made in the USA

    April 29, 2005

    The battle for time By Roberta Wood “Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest and eight hours for what we will!” was the slogan of the 340,000 workers who marched in cities across the U.S....

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