Article Listing

  • Story of sisters, disabilities and love

    Story of sisters, disabilities and love

    April 22, 2005

    “Riding the Bus with My Sister,” starring Rosie O’Donnell and Andie MacDowell with Anjelica Huston directing (Sunday, May 1, at 9 p.m. EDT/PDT on CBS), is inspired by the autobiographical book by Rachel Simon about her...

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  • George Kennan and Cold War contradictions

    George Kennan and Cold War contradictions

    April 22, 2005

    George Frost Kennan, a major architect of U.S. post-World War II policy, died recently at the age of 101. In the predictable chorus of media praise, Kennan was hailed as both the theorist who developed the...

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  • The struggle for inclusion

    The struggle for inclusion

    April 22, 2005

    In his book “No Pity: Individuals with Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement,” Joseph Shapiro tells the story of Evan Kemp Jr., the former chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), who left his...

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  • Arnolds lies: enough to make you lose your lunch

    Arnolds lies: enough to make you lose your lunch

    April 22, 2005

    Arnold Schwarzenegger famously enjoys eating lunch, often at the fanciest restaurants in town. But he is hell-bent on ensuring that California workers don’t get to eat lunch at all. Why? To benefit big corporate contributors who...

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  • Women under fire

    Women under fire

    April 22, 2005

    During the 2004 election, class and race deeply cut into easy generalizations about “the women’s vote.” White women were the largest electoral bloc, with 41 percent of the vote, and swung towards Bush in the largest...

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