Article Listing

  • Labor, immigrant rights groups oppose Real ID Act

    Labor, immigrant rights groups oppose Real ID Act

    April 15, 2005

    Labor and immigrant rights organizations assembled at San Jose’s State Building April 7 to kick off national days of action against the Bush administration’s virulently anti-immigrant Real ID Act, now pending in the Senate. They urged...

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  • Survivors of Hiroshima to join no-nuke rally

    Survivors of Hiroshima to join no-nuke rally

    April 15, 2005

    NEW YORK—Sixty years after U.S. atomic bombs destroyed two Japanese cities, incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians, mayors from around the world — led by the mayors of Nagasaki and Hiroshima — as well as survivors...

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  • Devastating school closings hit Detroit

    Devastating school closings hit Detroit

    April 15, 2005

    DETROIT — After the Board of Education announced that 34 public schools would close here by next fall parents, teachers and the community voiced their grave concern over the future of public education. “We are in...

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  • Labor & community rally for Social Security: Signing the pledge in California

    Labor & community rally for Social Security: Signing the pledge in California

    April 15, 2005

    Calling Social Security “the most profound and effective program in our history,” Congresswoman Diane Watson (D-Calif.) told an April 2 town hall meeting sponsored by the California Alliance of Retired Americans (CARA) that “with Social Security...

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  • Bush IOU stunt cynical and irresponsible

    Bush IOU stunt cynical and irresponsible

    April 15, 2005

    WASHINGTON — President George W. Bush’s Social Security road show ran off the road last week and he can’t seem to get it back on track. The uproar was unleashed April 5, when he cast doubts...

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