Article Listing

  • Unionism doesnt mean go it alone

    Unionism doesnt mean go it alone

    April 8, 2005

    The opposite of unionism is “go it alone.” According to some recent suggestions in the American labor movement, that’s what some top office-holders would like to see. They want to lessen their financial commitment to the...

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  • English Only ambushes democracy

    English Only ambushes democracy

    April 8, 2005

    “Pressure building for a national language,” screams the headline in the ultra-rightist Washington Times. The article summarizes a report by US English, Inc., which tells us that 322 languages are spoken in this country. Of these,...

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  • Hopeful signs on public education

    Hopeful signs on public education

    April 8, 2005

    As a former teacher, I follow education news with great interest. Recently, I’ve had reason to feel hope for the future of public education in this country. The contradictions in ruling-class ideology are showing. While the...

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  • Gunner Palace: Cinema vrit misses the mark

    Gunner Palace: Cinema vrit misses the mark

    April 8, 2005

    Deciding to see “Gunner Palace,” a documentary about U.S. troops in Iraq, is a little like buying a luscious red apple in wintertime. You bite in with high hopes but immediately experience something pulpy and tasteless....

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  • Happy birthday, Paul Robeson

    Happy birthday, Paul Robeson

    April 8, 2005

    April 9 is the 107th birthday of one of the foremost African Americans of the 20th century — Paul Robeson.

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