Article Listing



    March 18, 2005

    Stop maneuver against Cuba From March 14-April 22, the 61st session of the UN Commission on Human Rights will take place in Geneva, where once more the U.S. government will try to pass a resolution against...

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  • EDITORIAL: White House invents reality

    EDITORIAL: White House invents reality

    March 18, 2005

    A senior White House official scornfully told a New York Times reporter last fall that “the reality-based community” believes “solutions emerge from discernible reality.” The Bush aide continued, “That’s not the way the world really works...

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  • EDITORIAL: Still more torture revelations

    EDITORIAL: Still more torture revelations

    March 18, 2005

    Mounting evidence is making it clear that torture and a pattern of human rights abuse is standard operating procedure for the Bush administration and its surrogates in Iraq and Afghanistan, and at the Guantanamo Bay detention...

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  • Veterans and military familes say: ‘Bring troops home now – and care for them’

    Veterans and military familes say: ‘Bring troops home now – and care for them’

    March 18, 2005

    ST. LOUIS — “Those in the armed services right now can speak the truth about Iraq because we’ve been there, we’ve seen with our own eyes the disaster we’ve created in Iraq. And we can tell...

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  • Medicaid is the heart of health care

    Medicaid is the heart of health care

    March 18, 2005

    Medicaid, a state and federal partnership forged in the 1960s, provides care for 50 million poor men, women, and children in the United States who would otherwise have no access to health care. Medicaid takes care...

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