Article Listing



    March 18, 2005

    VENTURA, Calif.: Stop the ‘Kindergarten Cop’ Handmade signs held up by over 500 parents, students and teachers said it all on March 10: “Liar, Liar, Promise on Fire” and “No Arnold, You Won’t Be Back.” Organized...

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  • How long will DeLays Teflon coating last?

    How long will DeLays Teflon coating last?

    March 18, 2005

    HOUSTON — As the scandals mount against Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas), a key legislative ally of President Bush, many people are wondering when the congressman will be indicted. At this point, it appears the Teflon coating...

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  • Social Security and under 30: Whats in it for me?

    Social Security and under 30: Whats in it for me?

    March 18, 2005

    Social Security is a social insurance program that acts as an anti-poverty safety net for families of disabled workers, children of a deceased parent, and senior citizens. Many children, teenagers and college students benefit from the...

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  • LA mayors race heats up

    LA mayors race heats up

    March 18, 2005

    LOS ANGELES — City Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa and Mayor James Kenneth Hahn will once again go head-to-head in the race for mayor of the nation’s second largest city in a runoff election May 17.

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  • Don’t take voting rights for granted

    Don’t take voting rights for granted

    March 18, 2005 By Tim Wheeler

    SELMA, Ala. — The Rev. C.T. Vivian of Atlanta stood in the midst of the surging crowd at the conclusion of the Bridge Crossing Jubilee here March 6. Well-wishers congratulated him on the big turnout for...

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