Article Listing

  • Iranian people oppose foreign intervention

    Iranian people oppose foreign intervention

    March 4, 2005

    The Bush administration has begun a new round of aggressive posturing towards Iran’s regime. Under the pretext of the “war against terror” and “spreading democracy,” the U.S. is attempting to rally international support for its policy...

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  • Communists meet at World Social Forum

    Communists meet at World Social Forum

    March 4, 2005

    A fascinating panel at the recent World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, was hosted by the Mauricio Grabois Institute, a theoretical and research center associated with the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB). The Jan. 30...

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  • 2 jailed Haitian leaders go on hunger strike

    2 jailed Haitian leaders go on hunger strike

    March 4, 2005

    After surviving an attack by gunmen that left one prison guard dead, Haiti’s ousted and jailed Prime Minister Yvon Neptune and Interior Minister Jocelerme Privert have gone on a hunger strike to force the U.S.-imposed interim...

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  • Lawyers assail chilling effect of Stewart conviction

    Lawyers assail chilling effect of Stewart conviction

    March 4, 2005

    NEW YORK — In a case that civil libertarians say will have a chilling effect on lawyers representing unpopular clients, a jury has convicted civil rights attorney Lynne Stewart of conspiring to aid terrorists and lying...

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  • New Calif. single payer bill introduced

    New Calif. single payer bill introduced

    March 4, 2005

    Two contrasting health insurance bills were introduced into California’s Legislature last week, just before the deadline for new legislation. One would cover all Californians under a single-payer plan while cutting overall health care costs. The other...

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