Article Listing

  • Poisons at Cintas laundry

    Poisons at Cintas laundry

    February 25, 2005

    Commentary NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Workers at the Cintas plant in Branford, Conn., and across the country are taking their lead from co-workers in Long Island, N.Y., who are standing up for their health and safety...

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  • Want to strengthen Social Security? Provide good jobs for youth!

    Want to strengthen Social Security? Provide good jobs for youth!

    February 25, 2005 By Wadi’h Halabi

    King George II says he truly wants to strengthen Social Security. So do we! To us, strengthening Social Security means raising not only the benefits, but also the economic security and living standards of retired and...

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  • For a stronger labor movement:  Half-price tools wont do the job

    For a stronger labor movement: Half-price tools wont do the job

    February 25, 2005

    “Shit!” I hollered at the top of my lungs. When you work in a sewage treatment plant like I did, this four-letter word is not always a curse. In fact, some of my smart-aleck co-workers used...

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    February 25, 2005

    Colombia: Thousands protest trade talks Opponents of the proposed “free trade treaty” between the U.S., Colombia, Peru and Ecuador held a national day of protest Feb. 10 against the latest round of talks held Feb. 7-12...

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  • Togolese political crisis spurs regional concerns

    Togolese political crisis spurs regional concerns

    February 25, 2005

    The Togolese people are resisting an extra-constitutional power grab initiated by the son of the late president, Gen. Gnassingbe Eyadema, who died of a heart attack on Feb. 5 at the age of 69. Gnassingbe Eyadema...

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