Article Listing



    February 4, 2005

    Boxer rebellion Hats off to California Sen. Barbara Boxer for being the only senator to join with several representatives of the House, standing up for thousands of Ohio disenfranchised voters. More kudos to Boxer for raising...

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    February 4, 2005

    A new opportunity to end the occupation We aren’t surprised that George W. Bush — who got into the White House by trampling on fair and free elections — is trying to use the Iraq elections...

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  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad

    February 4, 2005

    ST. LOUIS — The history of slavery and racism is a horrible, shameful part of American history. It is a scar on the face of the ideals that our democratic nation holds dear. Before the Civil...

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  • Pages from workers lives  Love and union

    Pages from workers lives Love and union

    February 4, 2005

    Love and union The merger last summer of the Union of Needletrade, Industrial and Textile Employees (UNITE) with the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees was the reflection of an earlier “merger” which took place on a...

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  • Policy wonks project key health care issues

    Policy wonks project key health care issues

    February 4, 2005 By Phil E. Benjamin

    A year-end report from the Commonwealth Fund highlights core, mainstream health care issues. These, in turn, show some key points of struggle in 2005.

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