Article Listing

  • Mothers, daughters and Social Security

    Mothers, daughters and Social Security

    January 14, 2005

    OPINION If anyone tries to tell you that young people don’t care about Social Security, don’t believe them. Being in my 30s, I no longer consider myself “young,” but I am still a long way off...

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  • A national crisis needs a national solution

    A national crisis needs a national solution

    January 14, 2005

    OPINION In “Health care: beyond markets” PWW Dec. 18-24, George Silver nailed the disaster that market-driven health care has brought to our nation. He rightly condemned the “architecture of profitability,” decrying the profits and immunity from...

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  • How should we honor Martin Luther King?

    How should we honor Martin Luther King?

    January 14, 2005

    OPINION I was offered the opportunity to attend the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast in Saint Petersburg, Fla., and join members of the local Democratic Party to “honor” King. The speakers at this event never...

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  • Privatizing Social Security will hurt women

    Privatizing Social Security will hurt women

    January 14, 2005

    OPINIONThese remarks were delivered at a joint press conference at the National Press Club, Dec. 16, 2004, with leaders of the AFL-CIO, NAACP and others. It’s a pleasure to be here as part of such a...

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  • A tortured state

    A tortured state

    January 14, 2005

    OPINION I live in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, and its free, brave soldiers are everywhere on the march killing people to liberate them in Iraq, protecting hand-picked dictators...

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