Article Listing

  • Tsunami warning system could have saved lives

    Tsunami warning system could have saved lives

    January 14, 2005

    It is now estimated that more than 150,000 people were killed in the Dec. 26 South Asian tsunami, and the numbers are still rising. Though nothing can stop such a natural disaster, there is substantial evidence...

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  • Saving LA hospital focus of King week

    Saving LA hospital focus of King week

    January 14, 2005

    LOS ANGELES — Restoring the trauma center at the Martin Luther King/Charles Drew Medical Center and maintaining the hospital as a comprehensive health care and training center are high priorities for activists here during a week...

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  • Google News puts PWW on top

    Google News puts PWW on top

    January 14, 2005

    Online news hounds clicked with fury to the People’s Weekly World web site last Friday, Jan. 7, to read Tim Wheeler’s story “Memo reveals Bush OK’d torture,” which appeared as the top U.S. news story on...

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  • Turn your back on Bush

    Turn your back on Bush

    January 14, 2005

    Want to send President Bush a message during his inauguration? You can turn your back. That’s right. Simple. No signs needed.

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  • World unions denounce murder of Iraqi labor leader

    World unions denounce murder of Iraqi labor leader

    January 14, 2005 By Susan Webb

    News Analysis Hadi Saleh, international secretary of the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions, was murdered in his Baghdad home, Jan. 4. His hands and feet were tied, he was blindfolded and beaten, forced to kneel, and...

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