Article Listing

  • International notes

    International notes

    December 17, 2004

    Korea: U.S. manipulated intelligence A task force chaired by foreign policy expert Selig Harrison said in a report released Dec. 10 that the Bush administration distorted intelligence about North Korea’s nuclear program, in much the way...

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  • U.S. spends millions in Ukraine politics

    U.S. spends millions in Ukraine politics

    December 17, 2004

    While the Cold War officially ended over a decade ago, the current political crisis in Ukraine suggests that Washington is still in a Cold War mode, trying to “encircle” Russia and helping to install governments that...

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  • Economist exposes Colombias misery

    Economist exposes Colombias misery

    December 17, 2004

    CHICAGO — Hector Mondragon is not your typical economist. He doesn’t have a desk job as an adviser to a big bank or multinational corporation, nor is he a government bureaucrat. Neither does he hold a...

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  • Canada court OKs marriage equality

    Canada court OKs marriage equality

    December 17, 2004

    VANCOUVER, British Colombia — A Supreme Court ruling on Dec. 9 that same-sex marriage is constitutional has paved the way for the introduction of legislation that will legalize gay marriage in Canada. The court observed that...

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  • Wash. governors race margin razor-thin

    Wash. governors race margin razor-thin

    December 17, 2004

    SEATTLE — It’s already one for the record books: the Washington state governor’s race is the closest in the history of the United States. The battle over a second recount is one front of the national...

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