Article Listing

  • Bush policies threaten miners health

    Bush policies threaten miners health

    December 3, 2004 By Phil E. Benjamin

    Four years ago, President Bush appointed Dave D. Lauriski to be assistant secretary of labor in charge of the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). This is the federal agency that is supposed to enforce federal...

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  • Flight attendants OK strike action

    Flight attendants OK strike action

    December 3, 2004

    PITTSBURGH (PAI) — By unanimous vote, the Association of Flight Attendants/CWA executive board decided Nov. 17 to authorize a strike at any bankrupt airline, if those carriers use the bankruptcy code to terminate union contracts. The...

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  • S.F. hotel workers triumph over lockout

    S.F. hotel workers triumph over lockout

    December 3, 2004 By Marilyn Bechtel And Sonia Siegel

    SAN FRANCISCO — Some 4,300 hotel workers returned to work triumphantly at 14 of this city’s premier hotels last week, after area health providers’ decisions to extend workers’ medical coverage for December and January pulled the...

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  • Bushs four horsemen of economic policy

    Bushs four horsemen of economic policy

    December 3, 2004 By David Eisenhower

    George W. Bush is an old-fashioned kind of ruler. He imagines himself divinely chosen to serve his tribe of economic royalists. “By the rich, for the rich” is his governing philosophy.

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  • Erie County residents reject budget plans

    Erie County residents reject budget plans

    December 3, 2004

    BUFFALO, N.Y. — Residents here are shocked and angry with Erie County Executive Joel Giambra’s proposed 2005 “red” and “green” budgets. In order to deal with a $130 million budget deficit for 2005, the red budget,...

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